Parent Contract

Parental Contract
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Thank you for choosing Al-Mahdi Learning Institute. We believe that a strong partnership between the school and home is critical for your child to excel spiritually, academically, and in terms of personality development. This document highlights the three key areas where we hope to work closely with you. Please refer to the policies available on our website ( for additional details.

Spiritual Excellence

The environment at Al-Mahdi Learning Institute is designed to help your child excel spiritually. It is imperative that the messages they receive at home and the school is complimentary and allows them to become deeply rooted in our faith. Please ensure that they do not have free access to TV programs, internet sites, violent video games and books that promote themes which indirectly contradict Islamic values. Once they have built a strong positive foundation and are older, they will be able to deal with such influences appropriately inshallah.

Academic Excellence

Al-Mahdi Learning Institute has a more rigorous academic standard than most of the schools in the region. Our goal is to ensure that our students excel academically and get accepted into top universities after graduating from this school. The classwork, tests, and homework assignments at our school are comparable to the top ten private schools in the region and require the students to work hard both at school and at home. We expect parents to be active partners in their child’s academic success and work with them daily to ensure the highest level of quality in their academic performance.

Personality Development

Discipline, confidence, punctuality, respect, and leadership are some of the key values that are instilled in every student at our school. At Al-Mahdi Learning Institute, it is ‘cool’ to be respectful, kind and helpful. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bullying, negative comments or negative behavior and require your help to reinforce this message at home as well. Please bring your child to the school and to all school events on time so that they can learn to be punctual and respectful of other people’s time. Please also ensure that they learn that their entertainment or actions should not cause discomfort or disturbance to anyone else.

At Al-Mahdi Learning Institute, we engage in several activities throughout the year for personality development of your child and encourage you to engage in similar activities e.g. martial art programs that teach them discipline and respect and build their confidence and character. We look forward to working with you closely to develop children that will excel spiritually, academically and personality wise. ______________________________________________________________________________ I have read and understood the above document. I agree to partner with Al-Mahdi Learning Institute for my child’s success and will ensure that my child follows the school rules/policies: Date: ________________ Name of the child: ___________________Grade: ____________ Name of the mother: _____________________Signature: __________________________ Name of the father: __________________________Signature: ______________________