
All students enrolled in Al-Mahdi School must comply with its policies:
Students must refrain from any behaviour, gesture or word that would undermine the respect of the school, teachers or classmates.
Students are expected to respect school premises and teaching materials.
Students are required to follow the instructions communicated by their teachers.
Students are not to stay in the classroom or to move through the school during recess without permission of the teachers.
We have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to practices that mandate predetermined consequences, typically severe, punitive and exclusionary (e.g., in school suspension, out of school suspension and expulsion), in response to specific types of student misbehaviour (e.g., bullying or disrespecting students / teachers). 
Arrival and Dismissal
  • Students are expected to arrive in school by no later than 8:50 a.m.
  • Students are to be picked up from school by no later than 2:40 p.m.
  • The student cannot leave school under any circumstances unless accompanied by parents or a third person who has a written authority.
Absences and tardiness
The student’s future success in life and work requires good attendance habits, which are formed when they are young. It is very important for the educational well-being of the student to attend school regularly and on time. 
  • Students are expected to arrive in school by no later than 8:50 a.m. In case of lateness exceeding 30 minutes, the student must present a note written in his/her school agenda justifying the reason. Repeated tardiness will lead to a meeting with the parents.
  • If absent, parents must notify the school immediately. If the student is to be absent for more than three consecutive days due to illness, a doctor’s note must be presented to the school upon the return of the student
  • Any unjustified tardiness or absence may lead the student to be not accepted in the class.
  • In case of repeated tardiness and absences, parents will be requested to sign a contract with the school to consent that they will ensure that the student will regularly arrive to school on time and on a daily basis.
  • The school uniform can be viewed under uniform tab.
  • Wearing the school uniform is compulsory for all students.
  • Sports attire should be worn only for PE classes. 
  • The student must pay particular attention to his/her uniform and make sure it is clean, comfortable and regulatory.
For safety reasons it is forbidden to bring:
  • Objects that may be dangerous (knives, lighters, cutters, beads, glass).
  • Personal valuables. The school assumes no responsibility for loss of money, jewelry or toys.
Media Devices
The school has a no device policy. In case where the student needs to contact his/her parents, they will be able to call the parents from the secretary office.
  • The no device policy includes phones, iPad, tablets, or cameras.
  • The no device policy is implemented in school, on the bus, during school trips, and during after school events/programs.
  • In case a device is found, it will be compensated, and only the parents will be able to pick it up.
  • After the second offense the cell phone or electronic device will be confiscated and will not be returned until the end of the school year – NO EXCEPTIONS!